Everyone is called to orphan care

We believe everyone is called to help orphans

This might be a bold statement, but we truly believe that everyone is called to help the orphan in some way or another. It’s crazy the amount of statistics that would be changed in there were no longer orphans in the world. In some places 70% of human trafficking victims are orphans who have aged out of the system. That means there would be 70% less human trafficking victims if we stepped up to address the orphan problem.

With all our hearts we believe that: Everyone is called to orphan care, but not everyone is called to adopt. (Highlight the test share that on Facebook or Twitter!)

Here is a video with three reasons I believe we are all called and mandated to use our life to impact orphans in some way or another.

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Orphans & Kingdoms

SiX Part Video Series

Sign up for a six part video bible study called Orphans and Kingdoms: God's heart and your part in the global orphan crisis.