Live simply that others can simply live A podcast with James Barnett

Thanks for watching our first podcast episode. In this episode, I interview James Barnett with Clothe Your Neighbor as Yourself. He is an awesome guy that started a non-profit that sells clothes in order to help clothe homeless men and women.

The Outline:

  1. The Jesus he learned about in church wasn’t necessarily the Jesus he saw in the bible.
  2. Went to Nicaragua and was told that, “Obedience isn’t just defined by what you don’t do, but what you do do for the world God so loved.”
  3. Sold everything to live on the streets and while there started CYNY.

How do you reconcile wanting to make a difference with our normal life? Figure out what you are most passionate about and love and do the most extreme version of it.

Great quotes:

Obedience isn’t just defined by what you don’t do, but what you do do for the world God so loved.”

“If the God who can fling from His fingertips the stars across the sky, can jump into the dust. Then we who are so closely related to it shouldn’t find it so difficult to kneel in it.”

“We are tools!” “Live simply, so others can simply live.”

“Live at the intersection of hands up and hands out.”

Links / Resources:

Orphans & Kingdoms

SiX Part Video Series

Sign up for a six part video bible study called Orphans and Kingdoms: God's heart and your part in the global orphan crisis.