11: Idea, planning, action: how to launch a social enterprise A podcast with Beth Mammenga

Beth Mammenga launched a brand new social enterprise called BAM, Because All Matter. They train young women in Saint Paul, Minnesota with work and life skills to succeed, by creating natural personal care products. Listen to her whole process from idea to reality so you can learn step by step how to build and launch your own social enterprise. If you missed our last interview with Beth, you won’t want to miss it, so check it out here: https://legacynetwork.org/episode2


Start a social enterprise with Beth Mammenga


Why you need to listen to this episode:


Turn business planning to marketing magic!
How to create a business plan
Best places to go for help on a business plan
How do you actually put feet to an idea and make it happen.
Get ideas on marketing and web development for your business
Get bootstrap ideas for your social entrepreneurial startup
Managing a startup on the side of an everyday job


Orphans & Kingdoms

SiX Part Video Series

Sign up for a six part video bible study called Orphans and Kingdoms: God's heart and your part in the global orphan crisis.